Welcome to the Wukong Family

One crypto project
to create, revolutionize
and share.

They talk about currency, we talk about community.
They aim at transactions, we aim at interactions.
They bet on speculation, we bet on revolution.

We are not perfect, but we are strong and trustful to be the guardian on your crypto journey.
Wukong is here, be the next companion and make history.

Wukong meditating on the cloud
💎 Currency

✅ How to withdraw ETH reflections by using Wukoin Dashboard?

Are you as excited as we are to enjoy building passive incomes? We summarised some helpful resources here for you to redeem your rewards.

No matter on a laptop/computer or on mobile devices, claim as you wish! We are proud to introduce the following video made by @yonWorld (famous YouTube Influencer in crypto space) with a step-by-step tutorial, explaining to you how to receive your first ETH reflection.

Partners of Wukong Project

RedPanda Earth Partner of Wukong Project Magic 8 Ball Partner of Wukong Project Maneki Neko Partner of Wukong Project